WELLS - First mention of
Ge 16:14
. Near encampments
Ge 21:30; 26:18
. Outside cities
Ge 24:11; Joh 4:6,8
. In the courts of houses
2Sa 17:18
. In the desert
2Ch 26:10
- Supplied by springs
Pr 16:22
- Supplied by the rain
Ps 84:6
- Surrounded by trees
Ge 49:22; Ex 15:27
- Names often given to
Ge 16:14; 21:31
- Canaan abounded with
De 6:11
- Many supplied from Lebanon
So 4:15
. Beerlahairoi
Ge 16:14
. Bethlehem
2Sa 23:15; 1Ch 11:17,18
. Beer (east of Jordan)
Nu 21:16-18
. Beer-sheba
Ge 21:30,31
. Elim
Ex 15:27
. Esek
Ge 26:20
. Hagar
Ge 21:19
. Haran
Ge 29:3,4
. Jacob
Joh 4:6
. Rehoboth
Ge 26:22
. Sitnah
Ge 26:21
- Often deep and difficult to draw from
Joh 4:11
- Often covered to prevent their being filled with sand
Ge 29:2,3
- Had troughs placed near for watering cattle
Ge 24:19,20; Ex 2:16
. Women who came to draw water
Ge 24:13,14; Joh 4:7
. Travellers
Ge 24:11,13,42; Joh 4:6
- Strangers not to draw from, without permission
Nu 20:17
- Water of, frequently sold
Nu 20:19
- Were a frequent cause of strife
Ge 21:25; 26:21,22; Ex 2:16,17
- Were often stopped up by enemies
Ge 26:15,18; 2Ki 3:19,25
- Often afforded no water
Jer 14:3; Zec 9:11
. Of the ordinances of the Church
Isa 12:3
. Of the Holy Spirit in saints
So 4:15; Joh 4:14
. Of the mouth of the righteous
Pr 10:11
. Of wisdom and understanding in man
Pr 16:22; 18:4
. (A fruitful bough by,) of Joseph's numerous posterity
Ge 49:22
. (Drinking from one's own,) of enjoyment of domestic
Pr 5:15
. (Without water,) of hypocrites
2Pe 2:17