WATCHMEN - Soldiers generally acted as
Mt 27:65,66
- Citizens sometimes acted as
Ne 7:3
. On watch towers
2Ki 9:17; Isa 21:5
. On the walls of cities
Isa 62:6
. In the streets of cities
Ps 127:1
. Around the temple in Jerusalem on special occasions
2Ki 11:6
- Paraded the streets at night to preserve order
So 3:3; 5:7
. Increase in number
Jer 51:12
. Vigilant night and day
Ne 4:9; Isa 21:8
. Reported the approach of all strangers
2Sa 18:24-27; 2Ki 9:18-20; Isa 21:6,7,9
. Sounded an alarm at the approach of enemies
Eze 33:2,3
- Vigilance of, vain without God's protection
Ps 127:1
- Were relieved by turns
Ne 7:3
- Danger of sleeping on their posts, referred to
Mt 28:13,14
- Neglecting to give warning punished with death
Eze 33:6
- Often interrogated by passengers
Isa 21:11
. Of ministers
Isa 5:28; 62:6; Eze 3:17; Heb 13:17
. (Blind,) of careless ministers
Isa 56:10
. (Looking for the morning,) of anxious waiting for God
Ps 130:5,6