WATCHFULNESS - Christ an example of
Mt 26:38,40; Lu 6:12
- Commanded
Mr 13:37; Re 3:2
- Exhortations to
1Th 5:6; 1Pe 4:7
- God especially requires in ministers
Eze 3:17; Isa 62:6; Mr 13:34
- Ministers exhorted to
Ac 20:31; 2Ti 4:5
- Faithful ministers exercise
Heb 13:17
- Faithful ministers approved by
Mt 24:45,46; Lu 12:41-44
. With prayer
Lu 21:36; Eph 6:18
. With thanksgiving
Col 4:2
. With steadfastness in the faith
1Co 16:13
. With heedfulness
Mr 13:33
. With sobriety
1Th 5:6; 1Pe 4:7
. At all times
Pr 8:34
. In all things
2Ti 4:5
- Saints pray to be kept in a state of
Ps 141:3
. Expected direction from God
Hab 2:1
. Uncertain time of the coming of Christ
Mt 24:42; 25:13; Mr 13:35,36
. Incessant assaults of the devil
1Pe 5:8
. Liability to temptation
Mt 26:41
- Blessedness of
Lu 12:37; Re 16:15
- Unfaithful ministers devoid of
Isa 56:10
- The wicked averse to
1Th 5:7
- Danger of remissness in
Mt 24:48-51; 25:5,8,12; Re 3:3
- Illustrated
Lu 12:35,36
- Exemplified
. David
Ps 102:7
. Anna
Lu 2:37
. Paul
2Co 11:27